It should come as no surprise to anyone who has visited 十大赌博正规平台在线 that there 校园里有鬼魂的谣言吗. Several of the buildings hold histories spanning well 一个多世纪. Stories of strange sights and sounds are passed from generation to generation, with new terrifying experiences added to the list each year.

This Halloween season, we thought we’d share a few notable hauntings with the Aquinas 社区. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, these stories might have you thinking twice about entering one of these old mansions at night. 

Residents of Holmdene, Brookby and 布朗中心: read at your own risk.



Black and white photo of Holmdene in winter- three story house full of windows with brick walls. Text reads Adminsitration Building 十大赌博正规平台在线 Grand Rapids Michigan

Holmdene庄园 was built in 1908 for lumber baron Edward Lowe and his wife Susan Blodgett Lowe. With its stunning garden and a third-floor ballroom, Homdene was the perfect place 接待重要客人. In fact, Theodore Roosevelt once spent the night in a 二楼的房间. 

晚上三楼走廊的照片. 狭窄而布满了门. 在尽头有一个发光的红色出口标志.

爱德华和苏珊都在20世纪30年代去世. 苏珊死在了庄园里,很痛苦 a heart attack while tending to the garden, and Edward died soon after. 房地产 曾短暂归大急流城大学所有. 大学倒闭后, 1945年,十大赌博登录官网 学院买下了这处房产.

Walking around the building today, it's easy to imagine the manor’s past life as the 一个富裕家庭和他们的仆人们熙熙攘攘的家. 从有华丽壁炉的办公室 to meetings in the garden-facing loggia, 这是 a unique place for work and study. 但 perhaps a little more of the past than we’d like to see still hides in the creaking 楼层和狭窄的大厅.

For years, campus safety officers and housekeepers have reported eerie experiences 在Holmdene. 有些人在太阳落山后就完全避开房子. 其他人也尝试过 turning up the radio to drown out the sounds of the house. 最常见的听觉 anomalies are the voices and laughter of children or footsteps.

Holmdene游说, dark brown wood walls and tiled floors with two tall back soft chairs sitting in front of a grand fireplace

“Housekeepers still to this day hear a little girl saying ‘hi’,” said 瑞安比, campus locksmith and member of the Aquinas Historical Commission. 他们转过身来. 当然,没有人在那里.”

Green lights glowing in a third-floor window of Holmdene are commonly reported. 比对方 kept an eye out, hoping to see it for himself, and one night he did. 他走了进去 to investigate the third-floor hallway and offices, but could only find the red light 出口标志. 

One campus security officer working a night shift at Holmdene said he felt a distinct puff of air blow directly into his face while sitting in the corner of the lobby. 他找不到消息来源. 从那以后他就不上夜班了. 



Old black and white photo of Brookby with an early automobile out front. 两层楼,有窗户,前面有一扇大门.

布鲁克比楼梯,正面有高高的窗户. A ladder is placed beside to show the height of the window.

Just across Robinson Road from Aquinas’ main campus is the Brookby房子. John Blodgett, brother of Susan Blodgett Lowe, and his wife M伊妮让人在1928年建造了这座房子. 这所房子一直归……所有 布洛杰特家族直到90年代. 山姆和珍妮·卡明斯捐赠了布洛杰特地产 to 十大赌博正规平台在线 in 2011, and Aquinas’ presidents and their families have lived 有自.

Brookby residents and visitors have had weird experiences in the house, including the sighting of figures at the end of hallways and in windows.

比对方 tells a particular story of a UPS driver who came through the estate gates to 把包裹送到家里. 当他抬头看门上方的窗户时,他 看到一个女人在车道上张望. 


He rang the doorbell and the wife of the president at the time answered nearly immediately. The UPS driver commented on her swift descent from the window, but she assured him 那不是她. 事实上,窗户离地面有几英尺高. 神秘的 女人需要梯子.

这栋房子还设有一组仆人的按钮. 当按钮亮起时,他们 signal that someone in the button’s corresponding room needs a servant's attention. One particular button continues to light up to this day, even when the house is empty: 米妮浴缸旁边的按钮. 

明妮会不会在她以前的房子里闹鬼? 下次你走在普利茅斯路上时, 我瞥了一眼布鲁克比的窗户. 你可能只是看到有人在回头看.



布朗中心的黑白老照片. 三层楼,有一个宽阔的门廊.

布朗中心的一间办公室Ask campus safety what the most haunted building at Aquinas is, and they’ll tell you 这是 布朗中心.  Older than both Holmdene and Brookby, the house was originally owned by Amos Musselman, a man in the grocery store business who twice ran for governor of Michigan (unsuccessfully). 他在这所房子里去世了. 

Ten years later, the house belonged to Clarence Thomas, another grocery store owner 当时在密歇根州有100多家门店. 他和他的妻子有一个女儿,名叫 Betty who lived in the house for 40 years and passed away in 2011, two years after she visited 布朗中心 for the last time to see her childhood bedroom again.

工作人员 working in the building today have called campus safety multiple times to report 他们头顶上有脚步声. 每一次,校园安全无人发现.

布朗中心房间门把手上的念珠“I firmly believe that 布朗中心 is the most haunted building on campus,” said one campus safety officer who lived in an apartment in 布朗中心. “我确实有。 a sort of verbal agreement with the house where I established that I was there to keep it safe and secured, and that I wasn’t a threat to it in any way, and I put a 我前门的念珠. 我仍然不时听到脚步声.”

Paranormal researcher John Zaffis actually visited Aquinas in 2005 and walked Browne Center. 他感到阁楼里有一种极其消极的东西.

He refused to say anything more than “I’m leaving that one alone.”



There are plenty more scary stories that haunt the campus of 十大赌博正规平台在线.

有兴趣了解更多? 瑞安比 is conducting one more haunted tour before Halloween 2023 on Friday, October 20th from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. 名额有限. 电子邮件 to see if there is space available for you to walk the halls of Holmdene for yourself.