Master of 艺术 in Clinical Mental Health Counseling: 入学要求


Applications for admission to the MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program 是 网上提交. Questions about applications should be directed to Lynn Atkins-Rykert ( 林恩的电话是(616)632-2924. Her office is located in the Graduate Enrollment Office in the Academic Building, Room 201.

符合有条件录取最低要求的申请人符合资格 to begin classes in the following semester. New cohorts begin in fall and spring semesters (spring cohorts 是 started contingent on meeting the minimum cohort size).

为了获得秋季入学的充分考虑,请提交所有必需的材料 5月15日前. For spring admission, please submit all required materials by October 15.


The minimum requirements for admission to the MAC Program 是: 

  1. 已完成的研究生课程 入学申请.
  2. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited 机构.
  3. 最低累积绩点为3分.0或更高的4.0规模.
  4. 至少有三门心理学或相关社会科学的本科课程.
  • 如果申请人的本科社会科学要求不足,他们 是否需要顺利完成相应的本科课程 graduate credit prior to final admission to the program.

满足最低标准并不能保证入学,因为合格的人数很多 applicants may exceed the number of places available. 因此,并非所有人都是合格的 申请人将获录取.

十大赌博正规平台在线的MAC项目在秋季和春季学期招收新生. 所有学生必须完成COU 500:面向研究生学习在十大赌博登录官网和 开始上课前的MAC. COU 500 is offered as a 1 day, 0 credit hour course, 星期六上课前. Full-time students take three courses per semester, while part-time students typically take two courses per semester.


申请人与MAC项目主任或教职员工会面讨论 他们对专业咨询领域的兴趣,他们的职业目标,以及如何 the program will help them achieve those goals.


成绩单将接受由中北部协会认可的机构 大专院校高等教育委员会或其他地区认证委员会 获高等教育评审委员会(CHEA)认可的. 官方(盖章)成绩单必须直接从所有以前就读的大学发送 or universities including any other graduate programs attended.


GRE不需要进入MAC项目,除非是本科生 GPA低于3分的最低分数线.0. Applicants with an undergraduate cumulative 平均绩点低于3分.0 must take the GRE and have the record sent AQ (Attention Lynn Atkins-Rykert). 

  1. 首选最低分数: 
    1. 语言推理:142分
    2. 定量推理:142分
    3. 分析写作:3分.3

Applicants who either do not meet the undergraduate minimum GPA requirement of 3.0 或最低GRE成绩要求可以在试用期间被录取并考虑 全额入场费. These applicants must earn minimum grades of B in each course taken to qualify for final admission 在MAC程序中.


At least two letters of recommendation 是 required. 这些都写在表格上了 由MAC程式提供(请使用这里的表格). Be sure to inform your recommenders of the program’s deadline. 字母必须是 从专业或学术人士了解你的学术和/或专业 个人经历和性格(不接受家人或私人朋友的来信).

推荐人被要求给出他们对你的学术技能的个人印象 and abilities specific to unique demands of the MAC Program. 申请人可豁免 有权在自愿的基础上检查其推荐信(见 形式).

MAC项目可以核实学术推荐信的真实性 和推荐人一起.


Applicants submit a two to three page statement of professional goals. 在本文中, you will describe the reasons for your interest 在MAC程序中. 你是什么? 长期的职业目标,以及这个项目将如何帮助你实现这些目标? What 是 some personal experiences that inform your interest in this training?


联邦调查局要求所有学生在最终录取前进行犯罪背景调查 到MAC程序. The MAC Program requires field placements (practicum and internship) and other experiences working with potentially vulnerable populations. 因此,我们 是 required to conduct criminal background checks to ensure public safety. 个人 谁被判犯有重罪(和一些轻罪)通常是 没有资格在密歇根州和其他州获得专业咨询师执照.

虽然先前的定罪可能不会阻止一个人完成MAC学位,但它 重要的是要明白,有前科的人可能不被接受 by practicum or internship sites and may not be eligible for licensure.

为重罪定罪的人确定进入MAC计划 is made on a case-by-case basis by review of the MAC 教师. 有重罪的学生 被MAC项目录取的申请人必须意识到,被MAC项目录取 不能保证他们能够获得实习、执照或 职业咨询师. We strongly recommend that prospective MAC students 联系 Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) to discuss their specific situation and the implications for licensure as 专业咨询师.

申请人在被接受之前需要提交联邦调查局的背景调查 在MAC程序中. There 是 several options for electronic fingerprinting in the 大急流城地区,包括证书实时扫描和肯特县治安部门. 将指纹印在纸上的申请人需要将指纹卡寄到 让FBI完成背景调查. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 联邦调查局IdHSC.

如果你来自大急流城地区以外,请找到指纹 你所在地区的服务.


所有来自官方语言不是英语的国家/地区的申请人 是 required to submit official evidence of English language proficiency. 这个需求 适用于孟加拉国、尼泊尔、印度、巴基斯坦、拉丁美洲、印度、印度、印度、印度、印度、印度、印度、印度等国家的申请人 中东,以色列,中华人民共和国,台湾,日本,韩国,东南亚 Asia, most European countries, and non-English-speaking countries in Africa.

完成至少一年全日制学术课程的学生 grades of B or better in residence at a 认识到你.S. 机构不需要 参加标准化考试. Instead, please provide an unofficial transcript from the 认识到你.S. 机构.

To qualify for a TOEFL exemption you must:

  • 拥有官方认可的国家认可机构的基础学位 语言为英语.
  • Have completed a basic or advanced degree at an 机构, in the United States 或者在国外的美国机构,那里的教学语言是英语 该机构获得了美国地区认证机构之一的认证 机构.
  • 完成至少一年的全日制学术课程,成绩为B级 or better at a regionally accredited 机构 within the United States.

你可以参加两种标准化考试:英语作为外语考试 (TOEFL), and the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

TOEFL is administered by the Educational Testing Service. 学生可以获得详细的 资料来自 托福的网站, or contact TOEFL Services, Educational Testing Service, P.O. 普林斯顿大学6151号信箱 NJ 08541-6151, (609) 771-7100. Copies of the TOEFL Bulletin 是 also available at U.S. 教育委员会和基金会、两国中心和私人组织 such as the Institute of International Education (IIE).

我们只接受美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)举办的托福考试。 and sent to us directly by the TOEFL office. 十大赌博正规平台在线的机构代码 is 1018. For purposes of admission, your most recent score must be at least 80 for the Internet-based test (IBT), and 570 for the paper-based format (PBT).

新托福考试强调综合技能,所以它的形式和计分方式与托福考试不同 托福的PBT版本. Please plan to take the TOEFL as soon as possible, regardless of the test’s format, to avoid delays in the review of your application.


The 十大赌博正规平台在线的MAC项目 does not charge an application fee.


学生最多可以转学12个研究生学时(4门课程) 经MAC项目主任批准,可自行决定是否选修他人的课程 认可的学院或大学. Only courses with grades of B or higher taken within six years prior to formal admission to the MAC program will be considered. 此外, 最多9个研究生学期的MAC项目课程作为非分类课程 (非入学)学生在入学前在十大赌博正规平台在线可以申请 的程度.

Requirements for Final Admission into the MAC Program

All students 是 admitted to the MAC Program conditionally. 最后入场 program will be determined by the faculty as follows:

  1. Successful completion of first semester courses (with minimum grade of B).
  2. Maintenance of Good Academic Standing as defined in the Graduate Catalog.
  3. Successful completion of COU504 Counseling Techniques and Practice.
  4. Final admission interview with the MAC faculty.

面试结束后,学生将收到一份有关其申请的书面决定 录取状态. Conditionally admitted students accepted into the MAC Program 是 被重新分类为完全录取的候选人,这意味着他们是MAC的候选人 学位课程. All MAC candidates will be held to the catalog requirements in effect 在他们第一次参加研究生课程的时候,除了这些 changes 是 based on changes to Michigan Licensure Law or Rules. 课程修订 prerequisites will apply to all candidates regardless of the catalog of admission.

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