提供了需要IRB批准的学生,教师和工作人员研究协议 向院校覆核委员会提交院校覆核申请 of Research Involving Human Subjects.  IRB approval must be received before any data collection begins.

Application Self-Evaluation Form

填妥的申请表及证明文件应电邮至 irb@sh-fyz.com. Only electronic submissions in either .doc or .pdf formats will be accepted. All 所附文件的标题应注明主要研究者的姓氏和论文 文件名称(例如:Wilson IRB Informed Consent). Following submission, 主席将审查您的类别指定申请和潜在审查 by the committee.

申请人必须回答所有问题,并提供申请所需的材料 to be considered by the IRB.  Incomplete applications, or those with little detail and specifics will delay review.  Questions must be answered on the form - do not answer with “see attached.”  Carefully read each question and be certain you have thoroughly provided what is requested.

申请必须包括主要研究人员的原始签名。 如果是学生研究,请提供指导老师的签名原件.  Applications without signatures will be considered incomplete. Signatures indicate understanding 十大赌博正规平台在线研究政策的政策和程序,以及原则 对研究项目中人类参与者的伦理待遇,如 Belmont Report.

Application Categories

Exempt from Review:十大赌博正规平台在线,豁免的决定不需要由学校提供 IRB.  教师、职员或学生研究的指导老师可以做出这个决定.  如果你不确定你的研究是否正确,你应该咨询IRB成员 is exempt from IRB review.

豁免的活动包括涉及师范教育评价的研究 practices (such as regular faculty evaluations); research utilizing existing data 这些信息是公开可用的,或者不能与个别主题(如人口普查)联系在一起 data); or activities undertaken for educational purposes that will not be presented or published. 

Expedited Review:  不属于弱势群体的人类受试者的研究申请 以最小的潜在风险参与者,接受快速审查 IRB on an ongoing basis.  During Fall and Spring semesters, most applications will be reviewed within two weeks of submission.  In the summer and during academic breaks this process will take a longer period of time.

Full Review:  针对弱势群体(19岁以下、有精神障碍者、 etc.)和/或对参与者有潜在风险的研究,需要全面审查.  Full review occurs one time per month at the meeting of the IRB. Applications requiring full review are due to the Provost’s Office by 5 p.m. on the first Monday of each month. 

IRB Decisions

对于内部审查委员会就申请作出决定,五个董事会中的四个 members must be in attendance at the meeting. Approval of an application requires a unanimous decision of the IRB.  An absent IRB member may submit written comments 由出席者考虑,但对申请没有投票权.

但是,在申请协议的情况下,包括在 未满18周岁或可能被视为弱势对象的,一致同意 批准必须包括所有五名IRB成员 IRB will arrive at one of the following decisions:

  • Approved without Modification: No changes are needed; the application is approved as of the date of the decision.
  • Application Pending:申请是不完整的,需要简单的同意研究者,或 minor changes before it can be considered by the IRB.
  • Approved with Modifications: The protocol requires modifications.  It is approved as of the date of the decision, 但是,修改之前需要提交给IRB主席并由其批准 data collection begins.
  • Denied研究设计或方法不能保证受试者的安全.

IRB主席将通知首席研究员和教务长办公室 of the IRB decision regarding each application. A letter will be mailed to the investigator(s) at the address provided in the application.  In the case of student research, a copy of this letter will be sent to the faculty advisor.

如果需要修改,则需要附加信息,或者 申请如被拒绝,主席将以书面通知首席研究员 所需要的改变,所要求的信息,或拒绝的理由.

根据联邦法规,所有IRB申请,通信和会议记录 所有会议的会议记录都保存在教务长办公室,并保留至少三年, 与研究有关的记录将在完成后保留三年 of the research.

研究项目的批准期限为12个月,自IRB批准之日起算 approval. IRB的批准必须在12个月的研究期结束时重新获得批准 to remain in compliance with the College policy. Renewal is submitted using the Application 对涉及人类受试者的研究进行机构审查.

Researchers Not Affiliated With Aquinas College

这个分类包括1)不是现在的十大赌博登录官网的主要研究者 大学管理人员、教职员工、学生和主要研究人员 谁不是研究的主要研究者或其他研究者 与目前的十大赌博正规平台在线管理人员,教师,职员或学生的项目.

如果研究者不隶属于十大赌博正规平台在线,但想使用学院的资源 用于研究目的或从十大赌博正规平台在线的学生,教师,员工, 或管理员,以下信息必须在IRB之前提交 在收集数据之前,对研究计划进行审查(IRB批准) begins):

学院院长或其指定人员的书面声明 授予研究人员联系校园社区成员(人类)的权限 受试者)为他/她/他们提议的人类受试者研究.

  • A letter to the IRB that details:
    • the researcher's institutional affiliation and position,
    • the researcher’s education and training,
    • the purpose of the proposed project, and
    • the reasons for collecting data at Aquinas College.
  • 已获批准的研究机构覆核申请书副本一份 Human Subjects from the researcher's home institution.
  • 一份完整的研究申请供十大赌博正规平台在线伦理委员会审查
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